Don`t worry choose Happy
Some years ago, singer Bobby McFerrin released a little song called ‘Don`t worry be happy’. That little song really greated my nerves. My dad said to me once; Every day, be grateful for at least one thing. This was during a period of my life when I had fibromyalgia, a condition where pain is a constant companion. Granted I didn`t share my condition with my father, I felt he wouldn`t be able to relate. So he said, be grateful for being alive, what I thought, but didn`t say out loud, was, how can I be grateful for being alive when I am in such pain and suffering? I did`t find an answer that day, or for many days after that. For the longest time, I believed that in order to be happy, some external experience or circumstance creates feelings of happiness. For example, if I was in love, I would feel happy. If I had a good job with a good salary, I would be happy. I really didn`t fit in with corporate structures, so I felt very frustrated with the kind of work I was doing, (th...