
Don`t worry choose Happy

  Some years ago, singer Bobby McFerrin released a little song called   ‘Don`t worry be happy’. That little song really greated my nerves. My dad said to me once; Every day, be grateful for at least one thing. This was during a period of my life when I had fibromyalgia, a condition where pain is a constant companion. Granted I didn`t share my condition with my father, I felt he wouldn`t be able to relate. So he said, be grateful for being alive, what I thought, but didn`t say out loud, was, how can I be grateful for being alive when I am in such pain and suffering? I did`t find an answer that day, or for many days after that. For the longest time, I believed that in order to be happy, some external experience or circumstance creates feelings of happiness. For example, if I was in love, I would feel happy. If I had a good job with a good salary, I would be happy. I really didn`t fit in with corporate structures, so I felt very frustrated with the kind of work I was doing, (th...

Living a life with meaning

My mother and grandmother were both nursing sisters. And apparently very good ones too, when I asked my family about them. When it was time for me to choose an occupation, I chose to work behind the scenes, in pathology and later on, in medical aid administration. I didn`t know myself when it was time to choose a profession, who does at eighteen years old? Instead of working with people, I chose to work with analysing blood samples and specimens, and later on, with statistical data. It was only years later, having what I consider, a constructive middle age crises, when I felt a need for meaning and purpose, that I started to consider working with people. One of the most influential books I`ve read, is titled Man`s search for meaning, written by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. I`ve often re-read this book, it remains an awe inspiring insight as to how his struggles and suffering in the death camps distilled in Viktor a tremendous love for his fellow man. The message of his work is tha...

Taking responsiblity for ourselves and our health

I cured myself of fibromyalgia. I had fibromyalgia for close to ten years. It`s a debilitating condition characterised by constant pain of the soft tissues, fatigue and brain fog. At the time, doctors were not familiar with the condition, there were no tests or helpful advice, other than anti depressants and sleeping tablets to manage the symptoms. I tried various powders and potions, without success. At the time, I was working at a medical aid administrator, which is similar to the insurance industry, a highly stressful environment.  I read widely on the cause of illnesses and why some people develop auto immune diseases. In time, I became convinced that a condition like fibromyalgia starts with immense stress to the nervous system, such as physical or psychological trauma. This state triggers an auto immune response from the body. If this highly stressed state of being continues for a prolonged period of time, the body becomes incapable of healing itself. People with fibromyalgia...

About me

Reflections on the changes I am going through and and my journey. We are all on a journey back to God, a transformation into Light. 

LettinginLight6. Jera paintings

Title: LettinginLigbt6. Berkana painting Medium acrylics. Triangle. Stretched canvas over a support frame Size 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600

LightSeeds5. Berkana paintings

Title: LightSeeds5. Berkana painting Medium acrylics. Triangle. Stretched canvas over a support frame Size 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600

LightSeeds3. Berkana paintings. Spiritual art

Title: LightSeeds3. Berkana series. Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600 The haiku attaching to this painting is: Good deeds are light seeds. Some seeds will germinate and flower Some will wither and die

LightBeing. Berkana series.Spiritual art

Title: LightBeing. Berkana series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Triangle. Size: 530 x 530 x 530 mm. Price R200 The haiku attached to this painting is: I`m a being of Light. I connect to my inner Light. I connect to the Light of God. I share that Light with other beings.

LettinginLight5. Jera paintings

Title: LettinginLight5. Jera paintings Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600

StarCloud5. Eihwaz series.Spiritual art

Title: StarCloud5. Eihwaz series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 610 x 460 mm Price R400

StarCloud3. Eihwaz paintings. Spiritual art

Title: StarCloud3. Eihwaz series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 610 x 460 mm Personal collection. Not for sale. I can create a similar painting, if commissioned.

StarCloud1. Eihwaz paintings.Spiritual art

Title: StarCloud1. Eihwaz series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 770 x 770 x 770 mm Price R600 This painting describes the inner light starting to shine.

Wings bronze. Isa painting. Spiritual art

Title: Wings bronze. Isa series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with a natural wood colour frame. Size 580 x 480 mm Price R400

TreeRock. Isa painting. Spititual art

Title: Treerock. Isa series. Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with a natural coloured wood frame. Size: 840 x 670 mm Price R800

TakingWing1. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: TakingWing1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Not framed. Size: 480 x 380 mm Price R350

Shadows. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: Shadows. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 830 x 660 mm Price R800 A haiku describes this painting: Shadows Find the courage To look into the shadows And face the fear

LookingUp5. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: LookingUp5. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 720 x 520 mm Personal collection. Not for sale. I could do a similar painting, if commissioned

LookingUp4. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: LookingUp4. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 770 x 770 x 770 mm Price R350

LookingUp2. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: LookingUp2. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600 The haiku attached to this painting is: Searching for answers A flicker of light Should I look higher?

LookingUp1. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: LookingUp1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Not framed. Size: 480 x 380 mm Price R350

LettinginLight1. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: LettinginLight1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Sold. I could do a similar painting, if commissioned. The price for a painting this size is R600

HumanBeing13. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing13. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Triangle. Size: 530 x 530 x 530 mm Price R200 The painting has a haiku attached to it: Shedding skin - A human being takes to the air

HumanBeing12. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing12. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Triangle. Size: 530 x 530 x 530 mm Price R200 The painting has a haiku attached to it: Shedding skin - A human being takes to the air

HumanBeing11. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing11. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Triangle. Size:530 x 530 x 530 mm Price R200

HumanBeing10. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing10. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 990 x 990 x 990 mm Price R800 The haiku attaching to this painting is: As a human being rises higher – Drops of light float down to the earth

HumanBeing8. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600 The haiku attaching to this painting is: As a human being rises higher Drops of light float down to earth

HumanBeing5. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: HumanBeing1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 600 x 600 x 600 mm Sold . I could do a similar painting, if commissioned. The price for a painting this size is R400

Connecting2. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: Connecting2. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Size: 900 x 670 mm Price R800 The painting has a haiku attached to it: Opening up to reach higher Expanding Allows connecting to your true heart

Connecting1. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: Connecting1. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with mahogany frame. Size: 830 x 680 mm Price R800

Awareness2. Jera paintings. Spiritual art

Title: Awareness2. Jera series. Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Canvas stretched over a support frame. Triangle Size: 820 x 820 x 820 mm Price R600 The haiku attached to this painting is: Being still Allowing stillness Carries an opportunity to become aware

Awareness1. Jera painting. Spiritual art

Title: Awareness. Jera series Medium: Acrylics on canvas. Framed with forest green frame. Size: 650 x 500 mm Price R600 The haiku attached to this painting is: Being still Allowing stillness Carries an opportunity to become aware

Sunset2. Isa paintings. Spiritual art

Title: Sunset2. Isa series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with white frame. Size: 840 x 670 mm Price R800 The haiku attached to this painting is: As the trees watch Light scatters across the sky And slowly fades away

Sunset1. Isa paintings. Spiritual art

Title: Sunset1. Isa series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with white frame. Size: 840 x 670 mm The haiku attached to this painting is: As the trees watch Light scatters across the sky And slowly fades away

Safe. Isa paintings. Spiritual art

Title: Safe. Isa series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with white frame. Size: 840 x 670 mm . Not for sale. Personal collection. I could do a similar painting if commissioned. The price for a painting this size is unframed R350, framed R800 This painting describes the feeling of being protected and looked after.

Rocktree2. Isa painting. Spiritual art

Title: Rocktree2. Isa series Medium: Acrylics on paper. Framed with natural coloured frame Size 840 x 670 mm Price R800